T h e J o u r n a l
Seasonal inspiration for the heart & home
Gardening in November - what do I need to do?
So, like many others, this year was the first time we’ve had a successful crop from the garden and as we head into winter, I really don’t want to let all that hard work go to waste - so here’s how to nurture your garden through winter…
Autumn: A time to Gather
One of the greatest goods that has come out of lockdown (note that is said with the awareness of how difficult this year has been and continues to be, for so many) is the simpler way of life we have adapted to. Yes, that was somewhat forced upon us, but how much did the environment and our own minds need that pause on rush hour, rammed car parks and the constant need to ‘be’ somewhere else?
Why your downstairs toilet should be your pride & joy… and how to do it!
It's a largely under-appreciated room.It exists, but you're not proud of it. It's small, it's a toilet, you hide things like the old washing machine in there until you can get rid of it (yes, guilty, I've done that) and therefore you're a little embarrassed about it.