A reason to read.
“Reading one book is like eating one potato chip.” – Diane Duane
Too true Diane. Too true.
Another happy consequence of lockdown is that I started reading again. Properly reading - devouring books in fact - and enjoying the time I spent doing it.
Don’t get me wrong, I’ve always loved reading. In fact lying outside in the sun with a good book is one of my favourite things to do. But when I’m feeling a bit stretched, exhausted and uptight, oddly picking up a book is one of the first things to drop out of my day.
My mum got my sister and I into reading. We had a mobile library membership and every week we’d walk to the library (a big green van) and get five fresh books to read. If we were at school when it arrived in the village, Mum would go in and swap our books for us and we’d get home to a new selection - it was like a lucky dip!
As a result, reading just became something I did, it was always a part of my day, how I’d fall asleep at night and where I escaped to when I felt the need to dip into a new world.
With a bit more time and with refreshed hunger to learn and to escape from the Netflix ‘auto-play next episode’ loop, I’ve acquired quite a few new books (note not always new new, but new to me) and I wanted to share them with you because the desire to do something is always stronger with a recommendation, plus the season of giving is around the corner and I think gifting a book is one of the best presents you can give. In fact, it is the one thing that my Mum will always get for me every Christmas.
Below are all those books that I’d gift in a heartbeat and will recommend always. Links are included - either to buy direct from the author, from an independent book store or second hand.
1) For those that need a hug, now or at any time in life.
I was going to put this one last, by way of some grand finale, but in the off-chance those of you reading this journal about reading, aren’t into reading enough to read this to the end, then this is the one I don’t want you to miss out on.
This is quite frankly a beautiful book, in all respects. As Charlie writes in the introduction, ‘this book is for everyone, whether you are eighty or eight.’ And it truly is. With wild ink written words alongside the simple yet perfect and dreamlike illustrations, it offers an abundance of perspective, warmth and love.
In my opinion, it should be on everyones bookshelf, with well worn pages, picked up whenever you’re in need and passed on through generations.
This book is timeless and quite wonderful.
Add it to your life here.
2) For those who have a love of food and styling. Or both.
Now, I am no cook, not even close, but I do love to make things look great - whether its a room or on a plate and Frankie Unsworth is the food stylist to learn from. In this book she takes you through not only how to make delicious seasonal dishes, but also shares her styling secrets - from how to to dress the table to how to mellow onions and freeze fruit.
THE NEW ART OF COOKING - Frankie Unsworth
This truly is a melting pot of ideas and expertise which is paired it with outstanding photography. I would say it’s a feast for the eyes, but that seems too cliche. Plus I’ve already used ‘melting pot.’
Pick this up here for a the foodie / stylist in you, or in your life.
3) For those with green-fingers - newly acquired or born with.
We depend on the honeybee. And now, more than ever. This pretty little book, written by Sarah, after her husband Dale introduced Bee-keeping to their lives and so influenced the way she grew and cultivated their garden in Suffolk, is full of knowledge and joyful illustration. She shares all you need to know to grow flowers to support our Bees, be it via window-box or large plot.
You will learn, among things in this book, that honeybees can visit up to 5,000 flowers a day. For this tiny little insect, that’s a marathon, made only tougher by the loss of our green space and wild land. Let’s help these little heroes continue to do their thing, so we can do our thing, by growing a few more flowers to feed them.
4) For those who consider themselves a homebody.
HOMEBODY - Joanna Gaines
Yes, I am one of those. I adore Joanna Gaines. She is uber talented, down to earth and a total inspiration, both in family life and career. This book takes you through her design and style insights and how she has designed both her home and the homes for others to suit the way they live and what brings them joy.
This is a book to read with a coffee on a Sunday morning, delve into when you have a design dilemma, or just to indulge in some inspiring interiors.
6) For those keen to learn how to live better.
Three books in this section and each of them speaks for themselves and each is deserving of your time.
A book way ahead of its time, yet one that was probably written exactly when it needed to be. Authored by the founder of Patagonia, it is born of the desire to change our culture of consumption and lay out a new path for our living and working lives.
This is a much quoted and shared booked and I’m one of many thousands that have read and appreciated it. But there are many more that should cast their eyes on it and heed the advice shared - not just from Yvon, but from a great many of his friends that are quoted or have contributed.
HAPPY INSIDE - Michelle Ogundehin
If ever was a book needed this year - this was it. Published in the year wherein the nation has spent more time in their homes than ever before, this book helps you to ‘harness the power of home for health and happiness.’
Michelle Ogundehin is, undoubtedly a fountain of knowledge on design and all aspects of creating a space that is much loved.
There is a lot of information in here, some of it may overwhelm, some will spark clarity but the best thing about this book, is that it acknowledges very acutely the impact of our home space on our emotional and mental health - highlighting the importance of being happy inside.
Not so much a book, but a manifesto, a proposal for how we need to change the way we live, in order to preserve our planet. It’s not preachy, it’s not all or nothing and although it doesn’t look it, it is a straightforward read. It’s powerful, upfront and challenging, yet it is hopeful and it does inspire change.
Written by furniture designers Sebastian and his wife Brogan, this is something we would all benefit from reading, irrespective of our existing opinions or beliefs.
Order it here.
7) For those needing to let it all out.
This is a story of love and loss, it’s confronting and at times brutal but it is also very real and compassionate. Following two timelines, this book takes you through both World War One and a few years in the early 1990’s. It has had me in tears but I love its rawness and the perspective on life that it leaves you with.
This book may not be for everyone, but for those who do open the pages, the sentiment will stay with them. I’m currently reading it for the second time.
Thanks for reading, happy reading.
NB. Reading is best done wrapped up with a throw blanket and accompanied by an assortment of soft, bouncy hand made cushions. Just saying.